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Articles, Essays, and Presentations
Since 1985, William J. 'Bill' McCalpin of MHE has been making presentations and writing articles on issues that apply to the electronic document industry, from printing to the Internet.

  • Color: Is the Medium the Message?
    The availability of full color to transaction printing brings forth issues that transaction printers have never had to deal with. What are the standards for the use of color in a world concerned with accessibility, and what are the pitfalls that color can bring?
    This presentation was originally made while Bill was General Manager of Xplor International.
  • Color, Evolution, and the Electronic Printing Industry
    An essay on how color is affecting the electronic printing industry, in light of new regulations against using the telephone, email, and faxes to contact new customers. Originally published in Xploration, Fall 2003.
    Made available here courtesy of Xplor International.

Electronic Printing (and the Web)

  • Taming the Web with XML
    A basic description of XML, particularly as it applies to transaction printers.
    Originally published in Xploration Journal, Fall '98, and reprinted here by permission of Xplor International.
  • The XML Bubble
    This Powerpoint presentation advances the theory that the use of XML within an enterprise will grow slowly, like a bubble, eventually uniting existing functional silos within the company.
  • XML - Now and Future Uses
    This Powerpoint session addresses the current and near future uses of XML.
    This session was originally presented at a Group 1 User's Group conference.
  • Combined XML, SGML Issues
    This Powerpoint presentation addresses a number of issues related to XML and its "ancestor" SGML.
    This session was originally presented at the AIIM 2002 Conference and Exhibition.
  • XML - And What It Means To You
    A humorous look at how XML can be used today.
    This session was originally presented at a Group 1 User Group conference.

The Nature of the Document
  • Symbols on Media
    An essay on what electronic printing is trying to achieve in a philosophic sense.
    Originally published in Xploration Journal, Spring 2000, and reprinted here courtesy of Xplor International.
  • Is The Document Dead?
    An essay proclaiming the survivability of the document in the age of the Internet.
    Originally published in Xploration Journal, Fall 2000, and reprinted here courtesy of Xplor International.
  • When Your Chad is Pregnant
    An essay on elections and voting procedures, and how the concept of the document is required to make successful electronic voting processes.
    Originally published in Xploration Journal, Spring 2001, and reprinted here courtesy of Xplor International.
  • A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Electronic Forum
    A Powerpoint presentation that starts with the dusty halls of the Vatican Library and comes forward to the Internet of the 21st Century, describing the nature and durability of the document.
  • The Document Bomb
    The Document Bomb describes the fragility of electronic documents in the home setting, and some of the issues that have caused EBPP and electronic document delivery to fall far short of their projections. 

The Business of Printing
  • Printing Fights Back
    An essay on how the Internet will not replace printing, but will force printing to become more competitive.
    Originally published in Xploration Journal, Fall 2001, and reprinted here courtesy of Xplor International.
  • The P&L of Documents
    A look at electronic printing from the P&L point of view.
    Originally published in Xploration Journal, Spring 2003, and reprinted here courtesy of Xplor International.


copyright MHE 2008

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