Internet Links
There is a great deal of information available to the users of electronic document systems on the Internet - however, not all of it easy to find.
For your convenience, MHE has organized some of the important links here.
Professional and Trade Associations
Xplor International
Xplor is the worldwide association of the users and suppliers of the products and services that create, modify and deliver customised information using a variety of document technologies.
MHE principals have been active in Xplor since 1985.
AIIM - the Association for Information and Image Management
For over 60 years, AIIM (The Association for Information and Image Management) has been the leading international organization focused on helping users to understand the challenges associated with managing documents, content, and business processes.
MHE principals have been active in AIIM since 1990.
Online Vendor Documentation
AFP and MO:DCA documentation from IBM in HTML
Here are all the IBM documentation describing AFP and MO:DCA, in HTML format, for ease of viewing online. See the next link for the same documentation in PDF format.
AFP and MO:DCA documentation from IBM in PDF
For the IBM documentation describing AFP and MO:DCA in the PDF format, do the followng steps:
- Go to: http://www.printers.ibm.com/internet/wwsites.nsf/vwwebpublished/supportmanuals_ww
- Click on "AFP Architecture" under "General Publications".
- You will see a list of books and their descriptions. Pick one, such as "Data Stream & Object Architectures: MO:DCA Reference (SC31-6802-06)"
- This will result in a page that gives the abstract of the book, including what books it replaces. Click on the link that says "Click below to view this publication"
- This brings up "Publication Information" on the book. Disregard the price; this is only for books that will be printed and delivered to you. Look, instead, for "Read/download free of charge". NOTE: not all books are available free.
- To download the PDF file via http, click on the link under "Download Http".
- To download the PDF file using IBM's Download Director applet, clink on the link under "Download Director" - Download Director is a signed Java applet that provides enhanced download capability and requires Java for its use. You can start, pause and resume your download. If your machine or browser malfunctions, the download will resume where you left off. Allows enhanced transfer speeds for customers connected via high speed connections such as DSL, cable modem, T1, etc.
Xerox DocuPrint EPS Using LCDS Print Description Language
This link points you directly to a very large book in pdf (almost 500 pages) that synthesizes information about Xerox Metacode and DJDE compatible printers from a variety of older sources.
Xerox Hardware Product Support and Drivers
This link is to a page that lists all the Xerox printers, copiers, scanners, and other similar devices. By clicking on links here, you can see if there is online documentation for the equipment in question (not all documentation is available online).